Never Stop Shutting Up: A Book of Advice and Other Things You Didn't Ask For (Digital)

Never Stop Shutting Up: A Book of Advice and Other Things You Didn't Ask For (Digital)
Mike Falzone makes videos on YouTube.
He talks about things you should and shouldn't do in your day to day life.
More importantly, he thinks he knows everything.
"Honest and funny, in the same vein as Greg Behrendt and Chelsea Handler, this is the bible of good advice that you probably didn't take but really should have".
Meghan Tonjes - YouTube Celebrity
"Mike's one of the funniest people I've ever met, and I once did a Google Hangout with Richard Dreyfus. Seriously, I've done that.
"Travis Helwig - @FriendfromHS
"Mike Falzone taught me all sorts of stuff about myself. Like the fact that I completely love Mike Falzone. Can any other author tell you that? Absolutely not. Also, I finally learned what 6-year-olds smell like."
Jenny Jaffe - College Humor